The Classic Choice
創立於 2015 年春天,以成為台灣精釀啤酒的領導品牌為目標,啤酒頭致力於創造經典的風味,引領精釀啤酒界的新浪潮!三位創辦人對釀酒充滿熱情,力求完美、精益求精的態度,讓啤酒頭在短短不到十年間成為家喻戶曉的品牌,並推出多款採在地原料釀造的特色商品。帶著讓更多人認識精釀啤酒的初心,啤酒頭釀造的不僅只是一杯啤酒,而是對這片土地的滿滿關懷與熱情。
Founded in 2015, with the goal of becoming the leading brand of craft beer in Taiwan, Taiwan Head Brewers is committed to creating classic flavors and leading a new wave in this industry! The three founders are passionate about brewing and striving for perfection, which makes Taiwan Head Brewers a household name in less than ten years, and have launched a variety of famous products brewed with local ingredients. With the intention of introducing craft beer to more people, Taiwan Head Brewers brews not only a glass of beer, but also full care and enthusiasm for this land.
「扎根於台灣豐饒寶島,我們正在譜寫一個在地與精釀啤酒結合的故事」承襲此品牌信念,標誌將象徵領導典範的英字 H、與醞釀經典的啤酒杯做結合;中心的曲線代表啤酒的流動狀態,呼應啤酒與泡沫的黃金比例,落在 7:3 左右的位置。中英文標準字選用瘦長、與圖標統一粗度的字體,使整體呈現厚實並具信賴感的印象。圖標與文字皆加入襯腳,不僅穩住骨架結構,也展現直接俐落的品牌個性。
“Rooted in our beautiful homeland Formosa, we are writing a story of local culture and craft beer.” Inheriting the brand faith, the logo combines the English word H, which symbolizes the leadership spirit, with the classic brewing beer mug; the middle curves simulates the flow state of beer, echoing the golden ratio of beer and foam, which falls at a position of about 7:3. The Chinese and English characters choose thin and long fonts with the same thickness as the symbol, presenting a stable and trustworthy impression. Both symbol and characters are attached with strokes, which not only strengthens the structure, but also shows the direct and neat brand personality.